How To Enable Debug Mode | Prestashop 1.7

In what errors you need to enable debug mode?

  • Blank screen on the website.
  • Untypical shop behavior.
  • Error 500

Enabling The Debug Mode

Automatically :

1.  In your Prestashop admin panel go to the Advanced parametersPerformance section :


2. In Debug mode, set the Debug mode option to Yes :


3. Save the changes you made.

Manually :

1.  Enter your FTP server using FTP-client software such as FileZilla, etc.

2. Open Prestashop installation directory, go to the config/ file, open it with a text editor (Notepad++, subline, visual studio code, etc.)

3. Find the code mentioned below (line 29)


4. Replace False with True :


5. Save the changes and refresh your page you had issues on to see the exact error causing it.

Hope this tutorial will be helpful to you!

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