The site Search feature is require to track customer search terms on a website. You can track your customer’s search terms using the site search.

To Track Customer Search Terms on a Website

Follow the simple steps to track customer search terms to know exact customer behavior.

Go to Browser > search Google Analytics > Go to Behavior > Site search > Search Terms.

What Feature is Required to Track Customer Search Terms on a Website?

With the help of site search, you get to know to what extent the user uses your website. What words are users looking for on your website?

Providing a search box on your site and tracking. How people use it can give you important insights into user intent.

Every time users search your site, they tell you in their own words what they are looking for.

That’s why you need to know what the users are looking for in your website.

With the help of Google Analytics, you can learn more about the site search feature is that people are looking for what words on your website. You can track all customer search queries or terms. connect your site to google analytics.

When people search for a term on your website. They are available as query parameters and are append to the URL. That you can easily understand the search words by analyzing the report.